Friday, June 17, 2011

School Health

Why Schools?

The healthy development of children and adolescents is influenced by many societal institutions. After the family, the school is the primary institution responsible for the development of young people in the United States.
  • Schools have direct contact with more than 95 percent of our nation’s young people aged 5–17 years, for about 6 hours a day, and for up to 13 critical years of their social, psychological, physical, and intellectual development.
  • government schools
    School Oral Health Program 
  • Schools play an important role in improving students’ health and social outcomes, as well as promoting academic success.

Why School Health?

The health of young people is strongly linked to their academic success, and the academic success of youth is strongly linked with their health. Thus, helping students stay healthy is a fundamental part of the mission of schools. After all, schools cannot achieve their primary mission of education if students and staff are not healthy.
    school health
    School Health Program 
  • Health-related factors, such as hunger, chronic illness, or physical and emotional abuse, can lead to poor school performance.
  • Health-risk behaviors such as substance use, violence, and physical inactivity are consistently linked to academic failure and often affect students' school attendance, grades, test scores, and ability to pay attention in class.
The good news is that school health programs and policies may be one of the most efficient means to prevent or reduce risk behaviors and prevent serious health problems among students.Effective school health policies and programs may also help close the educational achievement gap.

Trinity Care Foundation is a Non Governmental Organization dedicated to School Health Programs, Facial Deformity Programs and Oral Cancer Programs in Bangalore, India.We require your Support to implement these Community Health Programs in Government Schools and Colleges in Ramanagara, Kolar and Bangalore Rural Districts. Kindly Contact us.. Email:

Trinity Care Foundation Website

Facebook Page of Trinity Care Foundation

All About Hepatitis C..

Hepatitis is the medical problem that appears when your liver is inflamed. This may happen because of a virus, but there are some other factors that can cause hepatitis as well. Alcohol, certain medication and even trauma can cause hepatitis. Hepatitis is not a life threatening condition and can be treated. But, there are cases when a certain virus that causes hepatitis can cause an infection which can last a very long time, known as chronic hepatitis. This infection can even lead to liver failure and even death.

Hepatitis C Link 

Viral hepatitis is the hepatitis cause by a virus. There are four types of this kind of hepatitis: hepatitis A, the hepatitis B, C hepatitis and of course delta hepatitis. The most frightening of all these types of hepatitis is the hepatitis C. It is cause by a virus specific to hepatitis C. This hepatitis virus affects a large number of people every year. This condition is usually looked at as mild, but this type of hepatitis can very easily lead to chronic liver problems, unlike the hepatitis B type. Everyone that gets infected with the hepatitis virus can be chronic carriers of this virus. But, many of them will not even have hepatitis symptoms. Out of all the people that carry this hepatitis C virus, about seventy percent will go on to develop a chronic liver problem. It does not matter if they have any hepatitis symptoms or not.

Hepatitis C is usually spread by contact to human blood that has been contaminated with the hepatitis C virus. There is an astonishing number of people that are infected with the hepatitis C virus because of injection of drugs. People who have transfusions of blood are also at risk of infection with the hepatitis C virus. But, the risk is lowered now, because of a test that requires that the blood used for transfusions must be tested for the hepatitis C virus. This type of hepatitis virus can also be transmitted sexually and also between house members. But, it is believed that the risk of developing hepatitis C in these cases is low. You can not get the hepatitis C virus from food, water or by shaking somebody’ s hand. There are symptoms that can tell you that you are suffering from hepatitis C, although a large number of hepatitis patients have no symptoms at all. fever, fatigue, dihareea, muscle aches are some of the hepatitis C symptoms.

Hepatitis C

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Goals of School Health..

What are the Goals of School Health?

Ultimately, school health has four interrelated Goals:
    tobacco awareness
    Trinity Care Foundation
  1. Improve health knowledge, attitudes, and skills
  2. Improve health behaviors and health outcomes
  3. Improve educational outcomes
  4. Improve social outcomes
These goals are most effectively and efficiently achieved when all the goals are addressed simultaneously through a coordinated approach.

Why School Health ?

The health of young people is strongly linked to their academic success, and the academic success of youth is strongly linked with their health. Thus, helping students stay healthy is a fundamental part of the mission of schools. After all, schools cannot achieve their primary mission of education if students and staff are not healthy.
    school health services
    School Health Program 
    Health-related factors, such as hunger, chronic illness, or physical and emotional abuse, can lead to poor school performance.
Health-risk behaviors such as substance use, violence, and physical inactivity are consistently linked to academic failure and often affect students' school attendance, grades, test scores, and ability to pay attention in class.

health education
Tobacco Awareness  

The good news is that school health programs and policies may be one of the most efficient means to prevent or reduce risk behaviors and prevent serious health problems among students. Effective school health policies and programs may also help close the educational achievement gap.

Trinity Care Foundation is a Non Governmental Organization focusing on Craniofacial Deformities, School Health and Outreach Programs in Karnataka, India.We require your Support to implement these community Health Programs in Government Schools and Colleges in Ramanagara, Kolar and Bangalore Rural Districts. Kindly Contact us.. Email: